HydraFacials Are a Good Fit for Everyone

I work with a lot of clients who are thrilled with the results our office’s HydraFacial provides. And New Yorkers are not the only people who love it. According to Allure magazine, somewhere in the world, a HydraFacial is performed every 15 seconds. That essentially amounts to 2 million treatments in a year, more than…

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Growing Popularity of Plastic Surgery for Men

What are the most popular plastic surgery procedures for men? Whether you believe it should be the case or not, appearance matters in our world. We place a high value on the presentation and maintenance of our homes, places of business and means of transportation. Why should it be any different with our bodies and…

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Mommy Makeovers

Can you really regain your pre-pregnancy body with a mommy makeover? Ah, the miracle of birth! Is there anything more wondrous than bringing a new life into the world? No matter how many times you were told that pregnancy looked good on you and that you actually glowed, nine months was a long time and…

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One More Reason to Consider Lip Fillers

Whether you are in New York, LA, or Paris, it’s clear that lip fillers are now a popular treatment for both celebrities and the average Jane or Joe. This simple technique is one of the easiest ways to get a semi-permanent plump and full pout. We see clients who have different reasons for seeking out…

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What is microneedling and what are the benefits of having it done? Does anyone like the idea of needles? Whether we’re talking about doctors using needles to give us shots to numb areas before some sort of invasive procedure, as a disease-preventative vaccination or the more recent method of dry needling used by physical therapists…

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Yep, You and Your Spouse Can Get Surgery Together

You’ve heard of a couples’ massage. You’ve experienced a candlelight dinner for two. You know all about dealing with both the ups and downs of life with your partner. But have you ever tried “beauty matching”? Beauty matching is a trend that’s emerging in New York and beyond. As reported by Allure, it centers on…

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Facial Fat Grafting

What are the benefits of facial fat grafting? Most of us are familiar with the concept of removing fat from various areas of our bodies but the idea of adding it seems rather counterintuitive, if not outright insane. Fat grafting, also referred to as fat transfer, autologous fat transfer, liposculpture or fat injection, is a…

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Breast Reduction Surgery

Is breast reduction surgery covered by insurance? Breast reduction surgery, or reduction mammoplasty, may not get as much attention as breast augmentation surgery but it is actually one of the more common types of procedures performed by plastic surgeons. Generally, in breast reduction surgery, excess fat, glandular tissue and skin are removed in order for…

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