Woman receiving microneedling treatment

Microneedling: Don’t Let the Name Scare You

Is microneedling safe and does it really work?

Names are important. They trigger mental images. They have power, even if we aren’t aware of it. In the first book of the popular Harry Potter series, Dumbledore tells young Harry, “Always use the proper name for things. Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself.” 

While this certainly seems like sound advice, some words are just scary for a lot of people. “Needle” happens to be one of them. Knowing that and given the choice between referring to a procedure as “microneedling” or “collagen induction therapy”, you would think the one that doesn’t instantly create vivid images of being stabbed with lots of tiny needles would win out. 

Since hardly anyone without a medical degree can tell you what collagen induction therapy is, it’s obvious that microneedling was the choice. And, maybe Professor Dumbledore was right. There’s nothing to fear about the name microneedling just as there is nothing to fear about the procedure itself. According to an article on the website of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), which is a branch of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), “Microneedling is a very simple, safe, effective, and minimally invasive therapeutic technique.” 

The procedure is done with tiny needles in a vibrating cartridge attached to a pen that is moved around to different areas. When the needles make very superficial and controlled pricks of the skin, the body’s own trauma-fighting forces are activated. The process to replace any cells that were damaged begins, and more collagen is produced and rushed to the area of the micro-wound. 

Is microneedling painful? Many patients report little to no pain, while some experience a mild to scratching sensation as the pen moves over certain areas, especially those like the forehead where the bone is right beneath the surface. Even the few who do experience more discomfort, report that it passes quickly and is well worth the results. 

Benefits Associated with Microneedling

Because microneedling is less invasive than many of the other anti-aging techniques, as well as being more natural due to the fact that it uses the body’s own repair mechanisms, it has quickly gained popularity. Simple, safe, effective, minimally invasive and often completely painless is a hard combination to beat. Some of the more common issues that microneedling has been found to be effective for include:

  • smoothing wrinkles and fine lines
  • reducing the appearance of acne
  • skin pigmentation issues
  • scarring, from acne, injuries and post-surgery
  • alopecia, which is hair loss
  • stretch marks
  • cellulite
  • rosacea
  • cellulite
  • crepey skin
  • decreasing the size of enlarged pores
  • helps increase absorption of medications, supplements and skincare treatments

Combining Microneedling with PRP

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) is plasma that has gone through a process using a centrifuge to increase the concentration of platelets. The use of PRP by professional athletes to accelerate healing has brought attention to the process and its popularity has been steadily increasing. Combining PRP with microneedling, cosmetic surgeons are successfully treating a range of issues, such as sun damage, hyperpigmentation and scarring. 

Dr. Brian D. Cohen is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with extensive training in cosmetic/reconstructive plastic surgery and has had years of experience performing a wide array of cosmetic surgery procedures, specializing in procedures of the face, eyes, nose, breast and body and is known for his exemplary and compassionate care by his patients. Knowing that Dr. Cohen has been selected by his peers in Super Doctors for 8 years in a row in 2020 gives you the confidence that he is highly respected for his performance in his specialty.

Information on locations and office hours for Cohen Plastic Surgery can be found by clicking here